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Strategies for Managing Supply Chain Disruptions in 2024

Naama Aharoni  |  May 3, 2023

How to ensure smooth operations?

Supply chain disruptions have recently become a significant challenge for many small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) in the food manufacturing industry. Starting with Covid-19 and the various lockdowns and restrictions on movement, to Brexit, political unrest in certain parts of the world, increased tariffs, and a global pandemic that has upended supply chains worldwide—all have resulted in significant disruptions.

The implications of supply chain disruptions have been far-reaching for SMB food manufacturers. With their limited resources, they often lack visibility into where their materials come from or what’s happening further down the line. This has led to delays in getting products to market, decreased customer satisfaction due to late deliveries or inferior quality, and increased costs as they scramble to rework supply agreements with suppliers.

Currently, most food manufacturers are attempting to mitigate the risks associated with supply chain disruptions through manual processes such as cross-checking invoices with purchase orders and manually tracking inventory levels. However, this approach is often inadequate and can be time-consuming and costly.

Without the proper visibility into their operations and the ability to effectively manage risks, they may find themselves struggling to keep up with competitors that have invested in digital transformation solutions. In addition, it could create long-term challenges as customers seek out more reliable alternatives in the marketplace. Investing in digital transformation technologies is critical for these businesses to better handle supply chain disruptions and stay ahead of their competition.

To read more on the main challenges in Food Manufacturing, download our ebook: