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Reduce by 60% the Time Required to Produce Your CanadaGAP Reports

GrĂ©gory PĂ©trieux  |  April 9, 2021

Automate your production processes and produce your CanadaGAP reports faster

Many tasks can reduce vegetable production margins, whether it’s:

  • fertilizer management
  • field worker schedule planning and posting
  • testing and managing crop protection products.

Get the right tools to simplify your work

However, these can represent an accumulation of tasks that require time, energy, and expense. This becomes even more complex for a producer who must also decide which digital app to use to help get these tasks done. A quick search for software solutions brings up hundreds of potential apps—each one focusing only on a specific aspect. On top of internal management issues to take care of, there are also regulatory reports to be produced, including the CanadaGAP report—a challenge to set up in and of itself.

Agronomists are the best possible experts to understand and support farmers in soil health and management. Wanting to integrate outcome measures to management processes, some agronomists created tools to harmonize the collaboration of operational functions.

One such group created FARMIT in an effort to reduce low added-value tasks for farmers in order to save time and money. These agronomists created FARMIT to:

  • follow employees with an integrated time stamp
  • compile yields per product and eliminate the piles of paperwork crop scouts must complete
  • compile tasks, equipment, yields, and input
  • provide an ability to visualize data and connect to other existing data as well as to smart equipment
  • produce CanadaGAP reports in a click. 

Ensure your fields are compliant

Environmental requirements continue to increase, both in terms of regulations and consumers. It’s a challenge for farmers to figure out which products on the market work best to fight crop pests—especially since very few do so successfully. There is a lack of harmonization of standards (environment, safety, pesticides).

FARMIT integrates closely linked system technologies to machinery (e.g. tractor: more precise geo-tracking, ambient environment management, sensors to calculate fertility rates and recommend the required phytosanitary measures based on results, etc.). 

FARMIT harmonizes communications between existing field solutions and enables time savings estimated at over 60%. This platform provides CanadaGAP reports in a single click, and is the result of a collaboration between producers, workers, agronomists, and technology.

Get help from experts 

If you need help setting up your transition to digital, get in touch with Forgestik at any time! One of our FARMIT experts will show you how to save time and money.